Saturday, April 01, 2006

This is the story of the Balls

Heard of Balls? Got them? Everybody of course has it. Seen it. Felt it. Guys think they are the proud owners of it; girls are either into it or are not. If they are they play with it, if they are not they either like guys playing with it or are totally indifferent to it.

Balls: Passion. Pleasure. A never let down attitude. Reach the goal at any cost and reach it as many times as possible. Being kicked around by both boys & girls, by both young & old, at pubs, homes and beaches.

What comes to your mind when you think of the balls? Spirit of life? No future without them?

How true. Can we imagine a world without balls? Don’t you think it would be just too boring?

Yeah, considering the kind of involvement balls have in our lives it would be fair to say that they are very much part of our lives and decide to a large extent the extent of happiness and satisfaction one will have in his or her lifetime. This applies to every single ball. Whichever you take be it foot ball, baseball, cricket ball, basketball, tennis ball, golf ball, volleyball just about every ball has a role in our lives. Can’t imagine a child growing up without holding one in his hand & playing with it. Can’t also imagine a child of the future growing up into a life of ball less existence.

Its unbelievable don’t you think how a simple rounded movable object like the ball has such an important influence in our lives. The child wants to go play with it when you ask him to study. The couples fight over it when they decide whether to watch saas-bahu fare or the sports channel on TV. Players are not just booed but killed when they don’t play with it well enough to win (Remember Israel-Munich-football?). Political organizations dig up grounds to prevent a game involving the ball (Shiv Sena digging up a cricket ground to prevent the Paksistan Cricket Team from playing). And of course playing with the ball involves big money. Learning a game like golf involving one of the smallest balls around could set you back by a few thousand dollars. When you master the game rest assured for success, fame & money. In fact players today don’t make money just playing well with the ball but also by not playing well (match fixing). There are companies who are making money just making balls, there are sports organizations making their share just by organizing the match or the tournament.

The very basic necessity in a game is the ball. Simply put there can be no game of basketball, football, cricket, baseball etc if there is no ball. But what does the ball itself get in all this. Being spat on (cricket) kicked around (football) and hit around (cricket, baseball). No publicity and no recognition for their contribution to mankind through the sport they are associated with.

This is the story of the balls. Dirty, Sweaty, Smelly but still liked. Still enjoyed.


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