Tuesday, June 09, 2009

About time Bangalore did away with plastic bags

I have this habit of storing all the plastic bags that I end up with after whatever shopping I have done – clothes, books or something else. This is a practice that I have for quite sometime & you can imagine that I have by now collected quite a few plastic bags. Of late I am getting really conscious of this collection. And I have begun to discourage shop keepers from giving me a carry bag whenever I buy something.

I was recently in Manali. The honeymooners paradise in the North. I liked a lot of things in Manali. One that there are so many married couples around wherever you go there & two for the awesome weather there & three for the fact that Manali has banned plastic bags. It took me a while to figure why so many people were carrying these brown paper bags. The puzzle was cracked when I purchased something myself.

Honestly I felt really nice about it. No doubt banning plastic bags will cause some inconvenience however just imagine the world of good it’ll do to the Environment. Once the sales of the plastic bags reduce the manufacturers will naturally venture into more environment friendly bags & slowly but surely this menace can be countered.

Guess till then the least we all can do is to voluntarily discourage plastic bags.


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