Having worked in a recruitment company most part of my career that is probably the question I have often asked of all my candidates for the various positions I have wanted to pursue them.
“Tell me something about yourself”? is like the ice breaker question. The answer to this question sets the ball rolling for the other questions, the answer to which ultimately seals the fate of the candidate for the position he has applied for.
Although the question sounds pretty simple & straight, I often find people not being able to do complete justice to this question with their answers. All that people can manage to say as an answer to the question is their name, their education & their family.
What I find very funny & also feel sad about is that sometimes when I put the question in the following manner, “Hari, can you tell me something about yourself?” the candidate answers, “Sure Sir. Sir, my name is Hari, I have done my MBA……” I do not understand the purpose of repeating the name when I already know the name. When this happens the whole answer seems like a well rehearsed one and not impromptu, the way it should actually be.
What is the correct answer to this question? Well there is no right or wrong answer. All I wish to say about the answer is that it should neither be too short or too long. Candidate should ensure that he doesn’t get into too many minute things. He should consider the question is answered well if he can touch upon the following areas – His Background in terms of education & experience, His interests & hobbies and a bit about his family. Most times the questions that follow will be about his experience or in case of freshers about their education.
It is important to make an impression with the first question. The candidate has to ensure that the answer is crisp, loud & clear. What I would like to put forth is that the job of the interviewer is to interview different candidates. Most times either the interviewer is meeting a series of candidates one after the other, who they are asking the same series of questions or they rush to the interview leaving behind whatever they are doing. Under these circumstances, a good reply to the interviewer’s first “Tell me something about you” question can actually get the interviewer interested in the candidate & help him do a good interview.